Our Services
Queenstown Management is a specialist body corporate manager and provides a range of body corporate advisory and support services to owners of both smaller developments and larger complexes.
We are exclusively a Body Corporate manager and secretary. Our services do not include property management or valuation work which avoids potential conflicts of interest detrimental to our clients.
Each property has its own dedicated Body Corporate manager.
The following is a summary of the scope of services available. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
- Prepare relevant documentation for the holding of your Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meetings as required.
- Provide secretarial services as required and provide advice on other procedural matters, for example the requirements for Owners and Body Corporate Committees to maintain a Interests Register and how written resolutions are to be passed without the need for a meeting.
Budgets and Financials
- Manage bank accounts, long term maintenance and any other contingency funds.
- Arrange preparation of annual financial reports, prepare draft Budget and other Returns as required.
Levies and Creditors
- Calculate, invoice and collect levies and other contributions.
- Arrange payment of suppliers and service providers.
- Arrange annual insurance valuation and cover.
- Oversee handling of insurance claims.
Common Maintenance
- Arrange and supervise minor maintenance work to common property and liaise with Council for BWOF certification if required.
- Arrange service contracts for building’s services (such as garden maintenance, lifts, fire protection and cleaning).
New Law (Unit Titled property)
- Review of your body corporate rules and adoption and adaptation of new rules in compliance with recent changes to the Unit Titles legislation.
- Assist with procedural requirements and implementation, including the new obligations imposed on Body Corporate Committee members and changes to the disclosure requirements of potential sellers.
Statutory compliance
- Manage compliance by body corporate of its obligations under (a) Building Act and (b) Health and Safety in Employment Act.
- Advise on requirements for the maintenance of a long term maintenance plan and a Fund if required.
- Maintain Register of proprietors and mortgagees, attend to correspondence and keep body corporate records.
- Give notice to parties who breach body corporate operational rules.
Site visits
- Conduct regular site visits.
Advisory and support services
- Support services and introductory packages can be tailored for smaller complexes (2-4 units) who may be looking to manage their own body corporate day to day.
Our charges are generally calculated as a fixed fee per development (broken down into unit cost where appropriate) and are generally invoiced on an annual basis.
We would be happy to discuss with you the scope of services you require. Certain services are usually charged on a time cost basis but we would be happy to discuss with you a package tailored specifically according to your requirements.